Bribery & Corruption Laws and Regulations 2024

In the United States, both the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) enforce the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (“FCPA”), a statute targeting corporate bribery overseas. [i] The DOJ has broad criminal and civil enforcement authority under the FCPA, while the SEC has civil enforcement authority limited to U.S. and foreign public companies listed on a U.S. stock exchange or that file reports with the SEC, as well as over officers, directors, employees, agents and stockholders acting on the companies’ behalf (together, “issuers”). [ii] The FCPA Unit within the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section prosecutes FCPA cases for the DOJ, while the FCPA Unit within the SEC’s Division of Enforcement does so on behalf of the SEC. The DOJ and SEC also collaborate regularly with various law-enforcement agencies and federal prosecutors (U.S. Attorneys’ Offices) throughout the United States to prosecute violations. [iii]

The FCPA is structured around two sets of provisions. Both sets of provisions may create liability for companies and individuals: (1) the anti-bribery provisions, which, at an overview level, prohibit companies and individuals from bribing foreign government officials by offering or promising to give, authorizing the giving of or giving money or something else of value to obtain or retain business; and (2) the accounting provisions, which require issuers, as that term is defined above, to maintain certain recordkeeping and internal-controls standards and prohibit issuers from falsifying books and records, circumventing internal accounting controls and failing to implement internal accounting controls. [iv] “Anything of value” is defined broadly and not limited to cash or cash equivalents. [v] Indeed, “anything of value” can include travel, entertainment, discounts, investment opportunities, job offers, charitable donations, contributions to political campaigns as well as tangible items. [vi] There is no materiality threshold under either set of provisions, and the SEC treats violations of the accounting provisions as strict-liability offenses. [vii]

FCPA criminal charges may be resolved through trial, a guilty plea, a deferred-prosecution agreement, a non-prosecution agreement or declination (with or without disgorgement, but typically with), and civil enforcement actions may be resolved through trial, a deferred-prosecution agreement, a non-prosecution agreement, a cease-and-desist order, a civil injunction or declination. Violations can result in financial penalties for companies and individuals, including disgorgement, and in the imposition of terms of incarceration for individuals. Independent corporate monitors may also be imposed on companies. [viii] In addition to these penalties, companies and individuals convicted of or otherwise resolving an FCPA offense may face debarment in the United States and elsewhere, reputational harm, the inability to participate in certain tenders and the inability to secure funding. Also, lenders may treat FCPA or other corruption violations as a breach of a loan agreement and accelerate the loan.

As its name suggests, the FCPA targets foreign corruption. Money-laundering statutes, too, have been used increasingly to prosecute corruption involving non-U.S. government officials. [ix] On the domestic side, there are a host of federal, state and local statutes targeting bribery of government officials and commercial bribery. For example, 18 U.S.C. § 201, which is part of a chapter addressing bribery, graft and conflicts of interest, prohibits federal public corruption domestically by criminalizing the payment, offer and receipt of bribes and illegal gratuities. Domestic commercial bribery may be prosecuted under the Travel Act, [x] mail- and wire-fraud statutes [xi] and various state statutes.

Overview of enforcement activity and policy during the last year

There were several significant policy announcements by the DOJ in 2023. In January, Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr., of the Criminal Division, announced what he described as the “first substantial revisions to the Criminal Division’s Corporate Enforcement Policy in five years”. [xii] Those included a presumption of a declination or possible reduced financial penalties (up to 75%) for companies voluntarily self-disclosing misconduct, fully cooperating with the DOJ and timely and appropriately remediating. [xiii]

Then, in March 2023, the DOJ announced changes to its Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs, the criteria that prosecutors consult when evaluating the effectiveness of such programs for resolution and penalty purposes. [xiv] One change focuses on company policies on the use of personal electronic devices, communications platforms and messaging applications, including the use of ephemeral messaging. [xv] Focusing on data preservation and access to electronic data, the DOJ expects that policies on these topics will be tailored to a company’s risk profile and specific business needs, and the DOJ will consider how companies communicate the policies to employees, whether the policies are enforced, what electronic communication channels are used and what settings are applied for preservation and deletion, all in evaluating the effectiveness of a corporate compliance program. [xvi] Another change concerns compensation systems. Prosecutors will now consider compensation structures when evaluating corporate compliance programs, including policies on compensation clawbacks. [xvii]

Relatedly, the DOJ announced a three-year pilot program, the “Compensation Incentives and Clawbacks Pilot Program”, requiring that, as part of a criminal resolution, corporate compliance programs include compensation-related criteria. [xviii] Under the pilot program, the DOJ also will offer reductions of financial penalties to companies that attempt to claw back compensation in good faith and when appropriate. [xix] A company can receive a reduction “equal to the amount of any compensation that is recouped within the resolution term”. [xx] The DOJ expects that the clawing back will not stop at employees who engaged in the wrongdoing being investigated but also will extend to supervisors who knew of or were willfully blind to the misconduct under review. [xxi] Even when good-faith clawback efforts are unsuccessful, the DOJ may permit up to a 25% reduction, based on the amount that the company attempted to recover. [xxii] A September 29, 2023 non-prosecution agreement with U.S.-based Albemarle Corporation illustrates how the DOJ is applying the pilot program. [xxiii] Albemarle withheld “bonuses totalling $763,453 during the course of its internal investigation from employees who engaged in suspected wrongdoing in connection with the conduct under investigation, or who both (a) had supervisory authority over the employee(s) or business area engaged in the misconduct and (b) knew of, or were wilfully blind to, the misconduct”. [xxiv] As a result, Albemarle qualified for an additional fine reduction in the amount of the withheld bonuses under the pilot program. [xxv]

In October 2023, U.S. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco announced a new DOJ policy that protects acquiring companies from criminal prosecution for the pre-acquisition conduct of an acquired company when misconduct is promptly disclosed to the DOJ and fully remediated. [xxvi] Deputy Attorney General Monaco described the new policy as a safe-harbor policy for acquiring companies that disclose misconduct within six months of acquisition and remediate within a year. [xxvii] If the acquiring company does both, the Deputy Attorney General announced, there will be a presumption of resolution through a declination. [xxviii]

The announcement helps clarify the parameters of successor liability under the FCPA. It also underscores the importance of rigorous anti-corruption due diligence before a company is acquired. As the DOJ and SEC long have recognized, however, that level of due diligence may not always be possible pre-acquisition. The Resource Guide counsels that “[i]n such instances, DOJ and SEC will look to the timeliness and thoroughness of the acquiring company’s post-acquisition due diligence and compliance integration efforts”. [xxix] The safe-harbor policy announced in October 2023 makes this guidance more concrete by setting presumptive deadlines for discovery and remediation, while offering the benefit of a declination for compliance.

Law and policy relating to issues such as facilitation payments and hospitality

Elaborating on the FCPA provisions summarized above, the anti-bribery provisions prohibit the corrupt offer, promise or authorization to give or giving of money or anything else of value to a non-U.S. government official, political party, party official or candidate for political office to influence an official act or decision for the purpose of obtaining, retaining or directing business or securing an improper advantage. [xxx] The FCPA criminalizes direct violations of the anti-bribery provisions and equally penalizes indirect violations through third parties, such as consultants, facilitators, agents, lobbyists, family members of government officials and other intermediaries. If the company offering, promising, authorizing or giving money or something of value knows there is – or is aware of – a high probability that all or part of a payment or something of value will be redirected to a non-U.S. government official, liability under the FCPA may result.

The anti-bribery provisions contain an exception for a “facilitating or expediting payment”, the purpose of which is to expedite or secure a “routine governmental action”. [xxxi] The exception applies only to modest payments made to foreign officials to expedite the performance of routine, non-discretionary acts (for example, processing a visa application that does not present a basis for denial, releasing a package held by a postal service that has cleared customs or providing access to a utility). [xxxii] Companies and individuals subject to the FCPA should take care to determine what is considered “modest” in the jurisdictions in which they operate. What may be considered a “modest” amount in Switzerland, for example, may be considered an elaborate sum elsewhere. Companies and individuals subject to the FCPA also should note that the DOJ and SEC construe the facilitation-payment exception narrowly and that most other anti-corruption laws (for example, that of the United Kingdom) do not recognize an exception for facilitation payments. To facilitate compliance with the different regimes, multi-national companies may opt to prohibit facilitation payments in their anti-corruption policies, even when those payments are permissible in the United States in certain cases.

Regarding hospitality, the non-bribery provisions of the FCPA envision an affirmative defense for otherwise violative conduct when the thing of value offered, promised, authorized or given was a reasonable and bona fide expenditure directly related to the promotion, demonstration or explanation of goods or services or the performance of a relevant contract. [xxxiii] The affirmative defense envisions reasonable travel and lodging expenses for non-U.S. government officials that fall within its parameters. [xxxiv] Not included in this affirmative defense are elaborate travel arrangements or side trips for personal entertainment. [xxxv]

As with many topics related to the FCPA, the DOJ and SEC provide guidance on the parameters of the affirmative defense. [xxxvi] The Resource Guide describes these types of expenditures on behalf of foreign officials as not warranting FCPA enforcement action: (1) travel and expenses to visit company facilities or operations; (2) travel and expenses for training; and (3) product demonstration or promotional activities, including travel and expenses for meetings. [xxxvii] As the Resource Guide hastens to note, what travel expenses will fall within the parameters of the affirmative defense is a fact-specific inquiry. [xxxviii] It then provides a non-exhaustive list of “safeguards” that may assist in determining whether a travel expense is compliant or may violate the FCPA: (1) not selecting the particular officials who will participate in the proposed trip or program, and instead selecting them based on predetermined, merit-based criteria; (2) paying all costs directly to travel and lodging vendors and/or reimbursing costs only upon presentation of receipts; (3) not advancing funds or paying for reimbursements in cash; (4) ensuring that any stipends are reasonable approximations of costs likely to be incurred and expenses are necessary and reasonable; (5) ensuring the expenditures are transparent, both within the paying company and to the non-U.S. government; (6) ensuring payment of expenses is not on condition of any action by the non-U.S. government official; (7) obtaining written confirmation that payment of the travel and lodging is not contrary to local law; (8) not providing additional compensation in any form (stipends, spending money, vouchers, etc.) beyond what is necessary to pay for actual travel and lodging; and (9) confirming that the costs and expenses are accurately recorded in the company’s books and records. [xxxix]

This last “safeguard” takes us back to the FCPA’s accounting provisions, also summarized above and applying only to issuers, as defined above. Essentially, the account provisions require that issuers: (1) maintain books, records and accounts in reasonable detail that accurately and fairly reflect transactions and the use of assets; and (2) devise and maintain an adequate system of internal accounting controls to prevent and detect corruption. Regarding the latter, criminal liability can result from knowing circumvention of internal accounting controls, failure to implement a reasonable system of, internal accounting controls or from a knowing falsification of any book, record or account. As noted above, there is no materiality threshold for a violation of the FCPA’s accounting provisions, and the SEC treats violations of the accounting provisions as strict-liability offenses. Moreover, the DOJ and SEC expect that compliance with the accounting provisions will extend beyond an issuer to its majority or wholly-owned subsidiaries and subsidiaries that the issuers otherwise control. Indeed, liability may attach even when the issuer’s consolidated accounting unknowingly contains inaccuracies that are solely due to false entries in a subsidiary’s books and records.

A recent SEC resolution illustrates the intersection of the FCPA’s accounting provisions, including at the subsidiary level, with the need to maintain adequate internal accounting controls for travel and lodging provided to government officials. In September 2023, the SEC announced that Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc., a U.S.-based issuer, would pay over USD $26 million to resolve FCPA charges stemming from bribery of Chinese government officials. [xl] Clear Channel’s majority-owned subsidiary in China had bribed Chinese government officials over the course of several years to secure contracts related to the sale of outdoor advertisements. [xli] The violative conduct included bribery in the form of entertainment and expensive gifts, the use of “sham intermediaries” and false invoicing. [xlii] Specifically, the Chinese subsidiary’s executives bribed Chinese government officials with first-class travel, hotel rooms and meals and gifts such as golf clubs, vases and gift cards. [xliii] Quoting the SEC’s press release, “Clear Media’s improper payments were falsely characterized as legitimate entertainment, cleaning and maintenance, and ‘customer development’ expenses in Clear Channel’s consolidated books and records”. [xliv] The SEC also noted that, for years, “Clear Channel failed to ensure that sufficient internal accounting controls were in place at Clear Media”. [xlv] Remarkably, internal auditors had detected red flags over the years, but their warnings were disregarded. [xlvi] The matter was resolved through a cease-and-desist order finding that Clear Channel violated the anti-bribery and accounting provisions (recordkeeping, and internal-controls) of the FCPA. [xlvii] The Clear Channel resolution underscores the need for ensuring compliance with the FCPA’s accounting provisions at the subsidiary level, addressing red flags when raised and maintaining proper internal accounting controls directed to hospitality provided to non-U.S. government officials.

Key issues relating to investigation, decision-making and enforcement procedures

As illustrated earlier in the chapter, the DOJ and SEC strongly encourage companies and individuals to timely self-disclose potential misconduct and, depending on the circumstances, may reward self-disclosure, cooperation and remediation handsomely. In their words, the DOJ and SEC “place a high premium on self-reporting, along with cooperation and remedial efforts, in determining the appropriate resolution of FCPA matters”. [xlviii] The DOJ’s assessment of whether a company timely self-disclosed will be guided by its Principles of Federal Prosecution of Business Organizations and FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy. [xlix] The SEC will look to its 2001 Report of Investigation Pursuant to Section 21(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Commission Statement on the Relationship of Cooperation to Agency Enforcement Decisions. [l] As with many other issues in the context of FCPA enforcement, the decision will be based on a fact-intensive review. While there is no formula, DOJ and SEC factual proffers during guilty pleas, deferred-prosecution agreements, non-prosecution agreements and press releases, along with the Resource Guide itself, can provide valuable guidance on what constitutes – and what does not constitute – timely self-disclosure and why.

Issuers in the United States may have an additional motivation for timely self-disclosure – that is, the SEC’s whistleblower program, which the SEC describes as “among the most powerful weapons in [its] law enforcement arsenal”. [li] Under the program, the SEC has the authority to reward whistleblowers who provide high-quality and original information that leads to an SEC enforcement action in which over USD $1 million in sanctions is ordered. [lii] As with what constitutes timely self-disclosure, what constitutes high-quality and original information is a fact-intensive inquiry and even has resulted in litigation by whistleblowers. [liii]

The monetary rewards are significant, ranging between 10% and 30% of the amount collected by the SEC. [liv] The largest monetary reward to an SEC whistleblower was announced in 2023 and totaled approximately USD $279 million. [lv] While announcements about whistleblower awards are purposely vague in order to protect the identity of the whistleblower, the press release announcing the award noted “[t]he whistleblower’s sustained assistance including multiple interviews and written submissions was critical to the success of these actions”. [lvi] Significantly, the SEC revealed that, although the whistleblower’s information “did not prompt the opening of the [SEC’s] investigation, their information expanded the scope of misconduct charged”. [lvii] The second-highest award was announced in October 2020 and totaled approximately $114 million. [lviii]

Companies that opt to self-disclose typically look to secure a resolution that is short of trial or a guilty plea. The DOJ has the authority to enter into deferred-prosecution agreements as an alternative to indictment. Under a deferred-prosecution agreement, the DOJ suspends prosecution for a predetermined number of years. A company typically agrees to a statement of facts establishing its FCPA liability, pays a monetary penalty and agrees to comply with certain requirements to fulfil its obligations under the agreement (typically, disclosure of other violations (past and future), promise not to commit additional violations, cooperation and remediation). If all of the conditions are fulfilled, the DOJ dismisses the charges after the end of the agreement’s term. A non-prosecution agreement with the DOJ is a more beneficial resolution for a company, although it typically contains the same elements. Unlike with a deferred-prosecution agreement, however, non-prosecution agreements are not presented to a court and no charges are filed (later to be dismissed if the conditions of a deferred-prosecution agreement are met). The DOJ also may agree to a declination, likely with disgorgement.

Overview of cross-border issues

Because the FCPA focuses on non-U.S. government officials, FCPA matters necessarily are cross-border. Practitioners thus should be mindful of the data-privacy regulations in non-U.S. jurisdictions, including those regulations that impact the transfer of data across borders. In some jurisdictions, for example, written employee consent may be required before data, even in the form of business communications, may be accessed, collected or transferred for review. Practitioners also may wish to seek local guidance on labor-law issues that may surface during an investigation, particularly before interviewing company employees and before recommending discipline. Understanding confidentiality and professional-privilege rules in non-U.S. jurisdictions is essential, too, as not all countries recognize the attorney-client privilege as it is applied in the United States. Although it may sound obvious and too pedestrian to mention here, beware of pitfalls with translations. Subtleties can be lost in translation, and errors can occur, even in certified translations. If at all possible, have a native speaker outside the translation service review the document or attend an interview being conducted with the assistance of an interpreter.

Then there is the very real prospect of international cooperation in the investigation of corruption cases. Seemingly novel just years ago, international cooperation now is close to the norm in DOJ and SEC investigations. Indeed, in 2023 alone, the DOJ collaborated with law-enforcement agencies in Australia, Colombia, India, Indonesia, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom in its investigation of just three companies and their affiliates. There is no indication that this trend will be reversed.

Corporate liability for bribery and corruption offences

Unlike in the United Kingdom, the United States does not have a federal law punishing the failure to prevent bribery. The anti-bribery provisions of the FCPA do apply to companies, however, including (1) issuers, as defined above, (2) domestic concerns – that is, U.S. citizens, nationals, residents and business entities organized under U.S. law, and (3) entities other than issuers or domestic concerns acting within the United States in furtherance of conduct prohibited by the FCPA. [lix] The accounting provisions apply only to issuers. [lx] Unlike in certain other jurisdictions, the conviction of an individual is not a prerequisite to corporate liability.

Proposed reforms / The year ahead

Corruption cases will be of great interest in the year ahead due to recent opinions issued by the Supreme Court of the United States. In May 2023, the Court mandated that the one aspect of the corruption conviction of a former state-government employee be set aside because he did not, as a private citizen, owe a duty of honest services to the public, as the jury was instructed, regardless of the influence he may have exerted. [lxi] Also that month, the Court mandated that the corruption conviction of another state-government employee be set aside. [lxii] In doing so, the Court refused to accept a right-to-control theory of fraud that treated certain economic information as property. [lxiii] Commentators have suggested that these 2023 opinions could signal an inclination by the Court to narrow the anti-corruption laws of the United States, including the FCPA, if given the opportunity for review.


Any views expressed in this publication are strictly those of the authors and should not be attributed in any way to White & Case LLP.


[i] A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 2d 3-4 (July 2020); 15 U.S.C. §§78dd-1-78dd-3.

[ii] A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 2d ed. at 3-4 (July 2020).

[iv] 15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1-78dd-3; 15 U.S.C. § 78m(b)(2)(A)-(B).

[v] A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 2d ed. at 14 (July 2020).

[vii] 15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1-78dd-3; 15 U.S.C. § 78m(b)(2)(A)-(B).

[viii] A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 2d ed. at 73 (July 2020).

[ix] See Lisa H. Miller, Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the U.S. Dep’t of Just., Delivers Remarks at The University of Southern California Gould School of Law on Corporate Enforcement and Compliance; see also United States v. Murillo Prijic, Case No. 21-60340 (S.D. Fla. 2021) (charging a former minister of government with conspiracy to launder bribes).

[xi] 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341, 1343, 1346.

[xii] Kenneth A. Polite, Jr., Assistant Attorney General of the U.S. Dep’t of Just., Delivers Keynote at the ABA’s 38 th Annual National Institute on White Collar Crime(Mar. 3, 2023).

[xiii] Id.; U.S. Dep’t of Just., Criminal Division, Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs (updated Mar. 2023).

[xiv] Id.; Kenneth A. Polite, Jr., Assistant Attorney General of the U.S. Dep’t of Just., Delivers Keynote at the ABA’s 38 th Annual National Institute on White Collar Crime(Mar. 3, 2023).

[xxiii] U.S. Dep’t of Just., Non-Prosecution Agreement with Albemarle Corporation (Sept. 28, 2023).

[xxvi] U.S. Dep’t of Just., Lisa O. Monaco, Deputy Attorney General of the U.S. Dep’t of Just., Announces New Safe Harbor Policy for Voluntary Self-Disclosures Made in Connection with Mergers and Acquisitions (Oct. 4, 2023).

[xxix] A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 2d ed. at 29 (July 2020).

[xxx] 15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1-78dd-3.

[xxxi] 15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1(b), 78dd-2(b), 78dd-3(b).

[xxxiv] Id.; A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 2d ed. at 24–25 (July 2020).

[xxxv] A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 2d ed. at 24–25 (July 2020).

[xl] Press Release, SEC Charges Clear Channel Outdoor with FCPA Violations Relating to China Subsidiary (Sept. 28, 2023).

[xliii] Cease-and-Desist Order in the Matter of Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. at 4.

[xliv] Press Release, SEC Charges Clear Channel Outdoor with FCPA Violations Relating to China Subsidiary (Sept. 28, 2023).

[xlviii] A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 2d ed. At 54 (July 2020).

[li] Office of the Whistleblower, (last modified Oct. 4, 2023).

[liii] See e.g., Doe v. SEC, No. 23-01140 (D.C. Cir. 2023).

[lv] Press Release, SEC Issues Largest-Ever Whistleblower Award (May 5, 2023).

[lviii] Press Release, SEC Issues Record $114 Million Whistleblower Award (Oct. 22, 2020).

[lix] 15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1-78dd-3.

[lxi] Percoco v. United States,598 U.S. 319 (2023).

[lxii] Ciminelli v. United States, 598 U.S. 306 (2023).

Editor’s Note

This chapter has been written by a member of GLI’s international panel of experts, who has been exclusively appointed for this task as a leading professional in their field by Global Legal Group, GLI’s publisher. GLI’s in-house editorial team carefully reviews and edits each chapter, updated annually, and audits each one for originality, relevance and style, including anti-plagiarism and AI-detection tools.